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Decarb CBD Oil Vs. Activated CBD Oil: What Is The Difference?

Decarb CBD Oil Vs. Activated CBD Oil: What Is The Difference?

Recently, CBD has become very popular over the past few due to its potential therapeutic effects. You can even find various CBD infused products almost everywhere, from CBD capsules and chocolate to CBD vape pen and cream. The sale of CBD is expected to surpass $1.8 billion by 2022, which could be a significant increase from about $535 millions in 2018.

Despite the huge popularity and demand, many people are confused about CBD and its various forms. To better understand how to choose CBD better, let's look at the two types of CBD oil: activated and decarb and explore their main differences.


What Is CBD?

Cannabidiol (commonly known as CBD) is a chemical compound from the cannabinoid family which is naturally found in the cannabis plant. So far, scientists have isolated more than 113 different types of phytocannabinoids. CBD is non-psychoactive and does not have any mind-altering effect.


Decarb CBD Oil

Cannabis plants found in nature are inactive and acidic. The compounds should be activated with the help of some processes to have an effect on your body and physical condition. «Decarb» is the decarboxylation of cannabis. It is a process that transforms acidic chemical composition into non-acidic. This transformation is a part of cannabinoids activation. During decarboxylation (heating and drying), the presence of THC (a psychoactive acid in cannabis) is converted into the carbohydrate THC.

The level of THC in cannabis is not high enough to cause the narcotic effect. Furthermore, the presence of THC enables CBD to be absorbed more effectively by the endocannabinoid system (ECS) receptors through the entourage effect. The THC in cannabis starts to decarboxylate at 104,4 degrees Celsius after 30-45 minutes of exposure. Applying less heat or lower temperatures can be the reason for partial activation. Full decarboxylation may need more time to take place.

The purpose of the decarb process is to allow the discrete compounds to be easily absorbed by the body's ECS. Therefore, if you decide to use CBD oil for anxiety and depression, migraines or stress, it might be better to choose Decarb CBD.


Activated CBD Oil

It is made by slow heating of raw CBD for a long time to burn off the acid and leave pure CBD. All other plant elements and vitamins also burn off in the process. It is essential to know that THCA, tetrahydrocannabinolic acid, is the active element of cannabis. It works through serotonin receptors. It means that activated CBD oil is better for immediate relief of acute pain, loss of appetite and nausea. Activated oil is consumed when cannabis is smoked, vaporised or has been heated under certain conditions before ingestion. Patients say that activated oil causes feelings of inebriation or hallucination.

Activated CBD oil is similar to raw CBD oil. So far, scientists still have not found an answer to which type is better. Both raw and activated CBD oils have great potential. The researchers are still in the process of discovering more information, so we can only wait for the new breakthrough findings. According to numerous people's reviews, some users who have tried CBD for the first time found the activated CBD oil effective. Also, they referred to it as credible, safe and productive. No research has observed any side effects in activated CBD oil. So, you can take it without worrying about the adverse effects. Generally speaking, each person differs from others. We all have different reactions to treatments, physical conditions, mentality, pain thresholds and different disease histories. Thus, it is always best to start with the smallest dose to see how your body reacts to CBD regardless of the type you choose to try first.

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