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Anyone who smokes weed using a water pipe knows the importance of ash catchers. You don’t want burnt plant material to make your hit less than ideal. In addition, some ash catchers are designed to nicely filter the smoke before it comes into contact with the percolator. Another perk of using bong ash catchers is that you only have to clean out your ash catcher, and that means less messy pipe cleaning.
When it comes to buying ash catchers online, your choices are limitless. Your future ash catcher could come in a wide assortment of shapes, sizes, and materials. You can choose a fancy diamond glass ash catcher or go with a basic model.
Top 13 Ash Catchers
Here is our list of the top 13 ash catchers online in the world. They vary in price from cheap to premium. You will undoubtedly find the perfect ash catcher for your budget and smoking needs.
Inset Honeycomb Disc Ashcatcher - $39.99
As effective as it is beautiful, ensure clean hits with this Honeycomb disc Ash Catcher. Photo: @SmokeCartel
The design of these ash catchers is outstanding. When looking for durable but cheap ash catchers, then this honeycomb perc is one you won’t want to pass up. It is 4.5 inches tall and comes as an infused honeycomb perc that will keep your smoke as smooth as ever. The only downside we can report for this one? If you happen to be searching for a pink ash catcher then you might be disappointed because it does not come in that hue.

18mm 90 Degree Hammerhead Perc - $14
Keep your tokes pure with this pure glass ash catcher. Photo: @Marijuana Packaging
The design of these showerhead perc ash catchers is ideal for purifying your hits. It has a built-in showerhead perc, which makes it an official 18mm ash catcher percolator. The design of the showerhead perc creates a truly turbulence-free hit. This affordable ashcatcher bowl is fashioned from heat-resistant borosilicate glass. It's got both an 18mm female bowl and 18mm male joint size, so take note that these sizes fit the glass piece you're working with.

18mm Male Ash Catcher Bowl - $4
Simply yet effective, check out this Male 18mm ash catcher. Photo: @DailyHighClub
If you need an 18mm glass ash catcher, then this is the affordable choice for you! It performs its two key functions - keeping your bong water clean and filtration - like a champ. The simple design and functionality of these ash catchers are hard to pass up. Best of all? It's easy on the wallet!

Toro Ash Catcher - $30
Being mini doesn't mean this Toro ash catcher is any less effective than its larger peers! Photo: @Headspace Glass
The Toro ash catcher is a macro or mini ash catcher. Toro has established themselves as leading engineers of cannabis gear. Their products carry a high price tag, but a great deal of engineering and design have gone into every piece, including their ash catchers. What does that mean for you? A great, clean smoking experience!

Hi Si Ash Catcher - $116.00

Simple, effective design make the Hi Si Ash Catcher a great choice. Photo: @Hi Si Glass
As with all their cannabis items, a great deal of science and research has gone into the design of each one of Hi Si's pieces. The 14mm ash catcher U arm diffuser has a U sidearm. It measures 5.5 inches tall and has 14mm ground joints. If you are searching for ash catchers 14mm, then this Hi Si ash catcher might be the perfect choice for you. It comes as a male ash catcher or a female version. While it may be a heavier burden on your American Express or other method of payment, we assure you it's a piece that's well worth the extra dollars.


Make cleaning a million times easier by finding a quality ash catcher like this one from MAV. Photo: @420 Science
If you are looking for an inline ash catcher 14mm then you are definitely going to want to learn more about the MAV ash catcher Glass Double Chamber Inlineline Ash catcher Matrix Perc. This amazing item was built for even the largest bong. It has a matrix perc that cools hot drags and prevents ash from slipping by. The interesting upward facing downstream chamber design helps to further ensure that nothing gets into the bong. The design functions as a superior dry ash catcher.

GRAV 14mm 90 Degree Phoenix Ash Catcher - $59.99

Grav coming in clutch with this tall and lean ash catcher. Photo: @Smokea
The phx ash catcher is a design by Grav. It comes with a borosilicate glass lid and a very nicely designed built-in kickstand. Without a doubt, this has to be one of the easiest to clean ash catchers ever manufactured. It has an easy-to-remove top that you can effortlessly fill with water, ice or even diffuser beads. This is really a great 90 degree ash catcher. It measures 6.25 inches and is fashioned from high-quality borosilicate glass. The bowl is a 14mm Grav funnel. You'll have to deal with the "Are you 21 years of age?" pop ups to buy this accessory, but we assure you it will be worth the extra clicks!

MAV Glass Triple Chamber Showerhead Perc Ashcatcher - $59.99

Three chambers?! We might be in love! Photo: @WeedRepublic
The Maverick has a chamber showerhead perc ash catcher that works wonderfully for medium sized pipes. It has a very large showerhead downstem. There is a second chamber for overflow and an upward facing downstem chamber so you never have to worry about debris leaving your pipe. The added perk of this being an up-line ash catcher due to its triple chamber design makes this one of the best models that you can purchase. It is designed to fit 90 degree 18 to 19mm female downstems. In addition, the red MAV logo is a nice addition to the item.

US Tubes - 14mm 90 Degree Ash Catcher - $110
Take a leaf out of the west coast's book! Photo: @JFriendly
US Tubes ash catchers are everything you would expect from the US manufacturer. US Tubes is headquartered in Berkley, California, and they are dedicated to creating superior accessories that are scientifically designed and engineered for superior performance. If you are looking for an ash catcher 14mm to attach to your water pipe then give this one a try. It has a diffused percolator to guarantee a nice hit every time. It even features the colorful US logo. Hop on the American Express and ride your way into Toketown with this beauty!

Ash Catcher by Sheldon Black - $180
Beautifully blown glass comes together for this quality ash catcher. Photo: @Coughing Cardinal
The Sheldon Black ash catcher is made from blown smokeware. It is more than a simple ash catcher. Many consider the items created by Sheldon Black a work of art. Some would argue that a sovereignty ash catcher might be more upscale but the skill that goes into the creation of a Sheldon Black is amazing.This item fits 14mm to 18mm. If you want a truly beautiful work of art, then you will fall in love with this design. The 14mm ash catcher has a tree perc ash catcher design and is emblazoned with the black and white flying derby decal label. The ash catcher has been created to sit at a 90-degree angle.

Maverick Glass Turbine Ash Catcher - $69.99
With nine slits in the percolator, this Turbine from Mav ash catcher is an easy choice for those seeking the smoothest, cleanest hits. Obviously, coming from Maverick Glass, you're getting a well-made product that will last you toke after toke!
What we love:
- Turbine percolator with precision-cut slits, reducing drag
- Option of 14mm or 18mm joint size
- Easy to clean thanks to removable cap

Zob 5 inch Ash Catcher with Flat Disc Percolator - 90 Degrees - $169.99
Speedy Zob is here to get the job done! Photo: @Zob Glass Pipes
This lovely Zob ash catcher measures five inches. It has a flat disc percolator that can quickly and efficiently cool your hits. It even filters the smoke before you inhale (and it doesn't even ask if you're 21 years of age before you do so). The joint size on the ash catcher has been fashioned into a perfect 90-degree angle. This model fits an 18mm glass joint but has a 14mm slide.

UPC Glass - 4 Arm Ash Catcher - $32.99
Keep things neat and tidy with this ash catcher. Photo: @DankGeek
Are you ready for a serious upgrade and looking for the best 10mm ash catcher? The 4 Arm Ash Catcher by UPC Glass is a percolator ash catcher that has a unique 4 arm tree percolator design. It provides extra filtration for the perfect clean hit every time. In addition, this ash catcher perc is available as a 14mm ash catcher percolator or in an 18mm size. It fits a 45-degree arm. Swipe your American Express with ease, knowing adding this 45-degree ash catcher to your collection is well worth the bills!
How to Use Ash Catchers
An ash catcher on a bong works similar to a classic weber grill ash catcher. You place the ash catcher where you put your ashcatcher bowl on your water pipe or wax bong. Once attached, you place the bowl into the ash catcher. Basically, attach the ash catcher to the joint that runs up from your water, then place the bowl on top of the ash catcher. You light up your bud in the bowl’s reservoir just as you have traditionally burned the herb. When you take a long drag on the pipe, the burnt ash is caught by the ash catcher so it never enters the main chamber of the bong.
Precautions Concerning Ash Catchers
Remember to never overfill your bong with water when using an ash catcher or the water can seep into the burnt ash residue. The ashes will contaminate the water and you’ll have a mess to clean up.
Fitting the Ash Catcher
A word of caution when shopping for an ash catcher: please remember that you will need to know the joint size on your water pipe before you can make a purchase. Standard sizes are 10mm, 14mm, and 18mm. Obviously, if your joint is 10mm then you are going to need a 10 mm ash catcher and if your joint is 14mm then you are going to need a 14mm ash catcher. The fit must be snug or the smoke will be able to escape. The market is also alive with joint adapters but they rarely provide a secure fit and only create unnecessary weight.
Male or Female Joints of your Ash Catcher
You’ll want to examine your water pipe to see if it is has a male or female joint. The male joint appears thinner and the female is slightly wider and shorter. A male joint goes into the female joint. Your ash catcher must be the opposite of whatever joint you have on your pipe to guarantee the best fit. Without the proper fit, your ash catcher will do little to nothing to keep your pipe clean!
The Angle of the Ash Catcher
Water pipes have either a 90 degree or 45 degree joint. You must look at the joint closely to determine its angle. The ash catcher you decide to purchase must have the same joint angle, so if your joint is 14 mm with a 45-degree angle then you will purchase a 14mm ash catcher 45 degree. The 14mm ash catcher 45 degree will fit nicely into the joint if the angle is correct. If you fail to match the angle then the ash catcher is going to slide and let smoke out.
The 13 ash catchers listed here are truly some of the best in the world. They are designed by respected companies, meaning each one has been scientifically engineered to perform flawlessly. You’ll never have to worry about taking a long hit and gagging because you accidentally inhaled ash. In addition, your bong water will remain crystal clear. Anyone lighting up their bong is better off with an ash catcher there to help your pipe stay clean, and you can't go wrong with an item off this list!
Looking for more advice on which ash catcher will best fit your water pipe? Drop us a comment below!
. Written by Megan Medeiros (BA)
Megan Medeiros has a bachelor’s degree in English and is currently working on a master’s in English at James Madison University. She's the owner and operator of Medeiros Writing, and has been working as a cannabis writer for the past three years, mostly following the legal climate of marijuana, especially in areas like California, Colorado, Oregon, Canada, and other legal areas.
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