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7 Best THC Edibles for Proper Dosage | Punch Bar Edible

7 Best THC Edibles for Proper Dosage | Punch Bar Edible

Edibles are an undeniably delicious way to consume cannabis, but how do you figure out exactly how much to eat to get the proper dosage? THC edible dosage is all about understanding yourself, your tolerance, and the other factors that can impact how much you need to consume. In this simple guide, we’ll cover what you need to know to find the perfect edible dosage and share products that make consistent dosing easy and reliable - even for beginners!

How to Recognise Your Edible Dosage

Determining your perfect edible dosage is dependent on a variety of factors, so don’t expect everything to work the same way for everyone. By following specific guidelines like general dosage recommendations, considering your general tolerance to THC, and consuming reliably formulated products, it is easy to find your perfect dose. Here are a few factors to consider when determining how much you’ll need to take when consuming edibles:

Consider Your Tolerance

Everyone’s body is different, which means everyone reacts differently to cannabis. Some people have a naturally higher tolerance to THC and will be able to consume higher doses. Furthermore, some individuals can develop a higher tolerance through years of use. At the same time, others may remain low-tolerance despite years of cannabis consumption. Physical features, diet, and other lifestyle practices can also impact tolerance, so it is essential to be familiar with your physiology before experimenting with edibles.

In particular, height, weight, and body composition have a significant impact on THC tolerance. In many cases, taller and heavier individuals have a higher tolerance, though this is not always the case. Because edibles deliver THC to the body through the digestive system, individuals with GI tract or gastrointestinal issues may struggle to absorb edibles and therefore have a higher tolerance.

Be Patient

Taking edibles requires a little bit of patience since it can often take up to an hour for the effects of an edible to appear. Edibles need to begin digesting before THC can enter your bloodstream. As such, it is crucial to give your body the time it needs to get started. In general, you should wait for at least 60 minutes for the effects of edibles to appear and to decide whether you need to take more or not.

Standard Edible Dosages

  • 1 - 2 mg THC: a microdose and the ideal place to start for beginners.
  • 2 - 5 mg THC: could be considered a microdose or low dose, depending on tolerance.
  • 5 - 10 mg THC: the most common range for casual consumers.
  • 10 - 50 mg THC: considered strong for casual consumers, common for experienced consumers.
  • 50+ mg THC: considered very strong and typically reserved for medical patients and daily consumers.

Best Products for Proper Edible Dosage

Punch Edibles is a cannabis brand that focuses on creating delicious, potent, consistently formulated, manageably-sized edibles. Made to pack a punch of flavor, Punch Bar Edibles are also formulated with the strongest, highest-quality cannabis to deliver a pleasant and potent high. Among Punch’s more than 30 THC-infused products, you can find:


Classic Punchbar

Simple, refined, and perfectly balanced, the Classic Punchbar is what put Punch Edibles on the map. Each Classic Punch bar edible features nine snack-sized pieces of decadent chocolate infused with premium THC. Each piece contains 10 mg of THC, making it perfect for the casual consumer. Choose from classic flavors, including plain Milk Chocolate, Dark Chocolate Almond, and Dark Chocolate Sea Salt.


Sugar-free Punchbar

If you love chocolate and edibles but seeking a low-sugar diet, you can still enjoy delicious products from Punch Edibles. Cannabis-infused Sugar-free Punchbars feature the same delicious flavor and 10 mg of THC per piece but with zero grams of sugar. Now available in five unique flavors, including milk chocolate, dark chocolate, and hazelnut, going sugar-free is no reason to give up your favorite edibles!


Punchbar Combos

Punchbar Combos combine decadent chocolate with exciting surprise fillings like Dark Chocolate Peanut Butter and Jelly as well as Peanut Butter Milk Chocolate Crunch. Each Combo bar contains 90mg of THC and nine pieces of chocolate. So, you can enjoy each piece separately or consume the whole bar for a high-dose experience.


Fruit Snacks

Enjoy your favorite childhood treat turned adult when you eat Punch Gummies Fruit Snacks made with unique flavors like blueberry, pineapple, and pomegranate. While delivering 10mg of THC per gummy, you can easily cut these fruit snacks in half. Enjoy multiple sections of the packaged gummies with friends who have a lower tolerance.


Malt Balls

One of the newest releases from Punch Edibles, Punch Balls Malt Balls are a fun new way to enjoy edibles! Crunchy, creamy, and easy to enjoy on the go, THC-infused malt balls come in 5 unique flavors and are packed with 10mg of THC per delicious piece. Enjoy a classic milk chocolate malt ball, or branch out to more unique flavors like strawberry white chocolate or peanut butter malt balls!


Cookie Delight

Cookies make everything better - yes, even chocolate bars! New from Punch Edibles, Cookie Delight Punchbars combine your favorite creamy chocolate with crispy cookies. Featuring the same potent THC contents with new flavors you’ll fall in love with, Punchbar Cookie Delight is now available in five newly released flavors.


Punch C-90

Punch Edibles also offers a CBD-only chocolate bar: the Punch C-90. Formulated with 90mg of pesticide-free CBD in 5 delicious chocolatey flavors, Punch C-90 bars are perfect for some downtime. The Punch C-90 bars produce therapeutic effects, providing relaxation, nausea relief, reducing inflammation, improving sleep, or anything else that may need some TLC.

Final Thoughts

Once you find your proper dose, it’s easy to take what you need - no more, no less. Remember, no matter how high your tolerance is, factors like how much you eat, hydration, and the potency of your edibles can impact your experience. For the best results, be sure to take edibles on a full stomach while well-hydrated and from a reputable company like Punch Edibles to ensure consistent formulation and quality.
