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5 Things People Often Get Wrong About CBD

5 Things People Often Get Wrong About CBD

CBD is still on the rise as more and more people find it a useful method to reduce the discomforts they feel on a daily basis. Still, many people remain unsure about what CBD is exactly. False information is easy to come by, mixing the truth with misconceptions about what CBD is. CBD can be a useful supplement for those with anxiety, chronic pain, or issues with their sleep patterns. It is also being tested daily to find other, more serious uses such as reducing ADHD symptoms.
This plant-derived substance does have mind-altering effects, but none that come close to the psychoactivity induced by high amounts of THC. The effects of CBD are much milder and more useful for daily pain relief. To help clarify some truths about CBD, here are five misconceptions that tend to circulate about it.

1. All CBD Is Bad For You

Since CBD products are not currently regulated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), people tend to get scared away. However, not all CBD products are harmful. That is why it is so important to do research about CBD products before beginning to use them. So many reputable resources exist that will tell the truth about a product you might be interested in. Even if it is not all FDA-regulated, many CBD products do advertise that they have a Certificate of Analysis (COA). This stamp of approval confirms the number of cannabinoids in a product after testing. A great rule of thumb is to look for the CBD products with a COA as well as many positive reviews. This will help you weed out some of the bad ones to get to the good ones. While there will always be some sellers that are not trustworthy, there are many sellers that are honest about everything in their CBD products. Take the time to search for the right products before making any final purchases. It is not all bad, you just have to know where to look!

2. CBD Can Make You High

People that do not know much about CBD think that it is the same as marijuana just because it can come from the same plant. Since marijuana is considered a drug, this misconception would make CBD a drug as well and convince people to stay away from it. In reality, CBD cannot get users high. This is because it does not contain enough THC if it contains any at all, which is the drug that leads to the hallucinogenic effects of marijuana. In order to be sold legally in many states, CBD products have to have less than 0.3% THC content. Many CBD products do not even contain any, making it impossible to have any type of hallucinogenic reaction.
It is important to know that CBD is not considered a drug. It cannot get you high, even though it can alter the mental state slightly.

3. CBD and Hemp Oil Are The Same Thing

There are many forms that CBD takes on, such as vape liquid, edibles, or oil. Since oil is the most common, CBD oil tends to get confused with hemp oil.
The reason for this confusion is probably because both oils come from the hemp plant. However, according to Kyro, the process of deriving hemp oil is a lot quicker than obtaining CBD oil. Hemp oil does not contain many cannabinoids, which is what CBD oil consists of. Hemp oil has been around in multiple health products in the past and can be used in animal feed. On the other hand, CBD oil tends to be mixed into other oils and has quite different uses from hemp oil.
Hemp oil does tend to cost less than CBD oil. Many sellers know this and will falsely sell hemp oil under the name of CBD oil to attract more buyers. That is why it is so important to read the ingredients! The only case in which CBD and hemp oil are the same is when CBD oil is blended into hemp oil as its carrier. Otherwise, the two exist as their own separate substances.


4. CBD Is Only A Sedative

The effects of CBD do differ for every user, but many agree that it has a significant effect on reducing symptoms of anxiety. This leads people to believe that it is used as a sedative. In opposition, CBD can actually make the brain more alert. Of course, it largely depends on how much is taken, but it tends to make users more focused. Everyone reacts to CBD differently, making the uses widely diverse. Depending on a user’s weight and the doses they take, the effects will vary.
It can help with relaxation but does not necessarily work as a sedative. Instead, it makes you more aware to help you calm down about the stressors in your life.
For this reason, CBD clearly has an effect on the mind, though it is not at all the same as the effect of marijuana. It can be used for a few conditions that are not related to sedation in any way.

5. CBD Is Completely Illegal

One of the scariest parts of CBD for some people is the fear that it is not legal to use. This typically stems from associating it with marijuana, which is a drug.
In truth, CBD is legal at the federal level. Some states have even legalized CBD products specifically to help the population gain access to its benefits.
There are a few states that do not have any legislation concerning CBD, so you can feel safe using it there. It is only in the states that specifically illegalized it where you have to be careful. Before ordering and using CBD for the first time, definitely do some research about its legality in your state. You may need medical clearance in order to purchase it from a dispensary! Jumping to quick conclusions is never the answer when it comes to the law. Make yourself aware of the regulations out there to feel more comfortable about CBD use around you.

Since CBD is still a relatively new hot product, it is no surprise that there is still so much to learn about. Try to stay up to date about CBD research to get the best information about what it can do for you.
