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Having your own digital scale can make all the difference between you getting the amount of weed you paid for and you get scammed by your dealer. But how do you find the right digital scale for your needs? There are so many small electronic scales available on the market, how can you possibly know which one is best for you? That’s where we come in! The Weed Republic has done the research for you and found the top 10 best scales for weed on Amazon.
Before we launch into the great products, let’s get a few things out of the way first. These scales are small kitchen scales designed for food, herbs, and other small items. These are not digital bathroom scales designed to determine your body mass. The purpose we’re ranking these scales for is weighing out your cannabis flower.
Here’s what you’ll learn in this article:
- The best small kitchen weight scales for weighing weed
- The difference in a bathroom scale, a kitchen weight scale, and a smart scale
- Finding weed scales for weight on Amazon
GreaterGoods Digital Scale - $11.95
Our favorite digital scale on Amazon has to go to the GreaterGoods Digital Scale. This scale is simple to use, durable and trustworthy, and highly accurate. It’s affordable, compact, and lightweight. It is the perfect scale to take with you when you go to get your flower so you can rest assured that you’re getting the amount you paid for!
Zibet Digital Scale - $12.99
Similar to our Staff Pick, this digital scale is simple, easy to use, and reliable. This smart scale works great, is highly accurate, and very affordable. It really ticks all the boxes in what you need in a handy, pocket-sized weed scale for weight. It’s affordable and lightweight; it’s very easy to carry in your pocket.
Weigh Gram Digital Scale - $15.99
The Weigh Gram Digital Scale is very similar to the other two, but with a few nicer design changes. This smart scale comes with a red light-up display, rather than blue. It comes in silver color, rather than black, and the lid has a neat metal-like texture. Keep in mind, this is a small kitchen scale designed for portability and ease; it’s not a digital bathroom scale and it is not intended to indicate body fat, body composition, body weight, fat percentage, or muscle mass. This is for food, herbs, and other small objects.
Ozeri Pronto Digital Multifunction Scale - $14.42
The Ozeri Pronto is a digital multifunction kitchen scale that works great for checking the weight of your bud. Never wonder if you’re being shorted on the deal ever again. This portable scale isn’t quite as pocket-sized as the ones we’ve detailed above, but it’s still lightweight and small. Its design is a little more similar to the best bathroom scales, but it’s not a digital bathroom scale, nor is it designed to handle that kind of weight.
AccuWeight 255 Mini Digital Scale - $12.99
This small, pocket-sized scale is the name inaccuracy. It comes in a nice shade of blue and, like with many digital scales, the cap serves the dual purpose of functioning as a tray for your weed. This digital scale is reliable and affordable; you can’t go wrong.
Escali Primo P115SP - $24.95
This scale is a bit bigger than the pocket-sized ones we’ve reviewed so far but it’s highly accurate, easy to use, and comes in more color options than any other. If you’re all about the customization, this smart scale is for you. Thanks to its larger size, it’s also far easier to measure a larger weight of the cannabis flower. It’s accurate and reliable, but it’s not as easily taken on-the-go and it does cost a significant amount more.
Fuzion Digital Pocket Scale - $11.99
This small digital scale is more like the other scales we’ve reviewed. It’s compact, lightweight, and easy to take with you. It’s inexpensive and accurate. Due to its smaller size, however, it is a little harder to measure larger amounts of bud weight using it. As with the others, this is not a bathroom scale designed to measure body fat, muscle mass, body mass, or body weight. Unlike bathroom scales, this scale is designed to be used for food, herbs, and related smaller items; it’s pocket-sized and easily portable.
Truweigh Tuff-Weigh Digital Scale - $24.97
The Truweigh Tuff-Weigh Digital Scale is certainly the visually coolest scale we’ve found for this list. Like most of the others, it’s compact and lightweight. It can measure up to 100 grams and the color of the LED display depends on the color scale you order. This is not intended to measure body fat percentage, body composition, body fat, or body weight in any way; it is not the same as bathroom scales. The price for this one, like the Escali, is a little higher, but that’s often the price you pay for more custom options like multiple colors.
Brifit Digital Mini Scale - $22.99
This great mini scale has a much more masculine look to it. It’s just as lightweight and portable as the other mini scales we’ve listed, too. This small kitchen and drug scale are a little too expensive for what it is. It’s very reliable and made with quality materials and is well-made, but you’re paying more for aesthetics with this one than you should.
Accuweight 207 Digital Scale - $17.99
This scale is more like your average kitchen scale than a drug scale, but there are pluses to that too. This scale doesn’t come with a lid or tray you can use to place your flower on, so you’ll need to use something from your own home, but it has the capability of measuring a much larger quantity of weed. It’s very accurate and reliable, while not being overpriced. However, it is not very small or portable.