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Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) is the chemical present in hemps and cannabis plants that gives the user that euphoria feeling when ingested. In simple terms, THC is that component present in the hemp or cannabis plant and products that gets you high when you take them. Delta 8 products, on the other hand, is like the younger brother of the famous Delta 9, with a milder effect when it is ingested into the body system. With a lot of people trying out the Delta 8 recently, there have been some questions asked by the newbies to Delta 8 products. Two of such questions are how long does Delta 8 stay in the body system and if it would lead to failing a blood test? If you are one of such people who want to get an answer to these questions, below is where you would get your answer and more important facts about THC and Delta 8.


Blood test, Delta 8, and THC

Delta-8-THC is similar to the THC found in Cannabis. The only difference is that Delta 8 is from the Hemp plant. Like every other THC, consumption of Delta 8 will lead to the accumulation of Marijuana metabolites residues in the body. It is because of these residues left in the body that makes people who consume cannabis and other related substances fail drug tests. The actual period that these residues would remain in the body can’t be confirmed. This is because there are certain factors to look out before we can assume the period THC from Delta 8 and other sources would remain in the body system.


Factors that determine how long THC would remain in the body system

The length of time THC stays in the body depends on certain factors, according to healthline. Therefore, to answer the question of how long THC stays in the body, you have to first have an idea of what the factors are and from there, we can determine how long you would be at rist of failing a drug test. Some of the factors that determine the length of time THC remains in the body include;

  • How regularly you consume products that contain THC: since THC leaves residues of Marijuana metabolites in the body, a user who is a regular user of products that contain THC would likely have THC in there system for a longer period than a user who takes it once in a while.
  • The method of consumption: the method of consumption also determines how long the residues would remain in the body. Just like how we calculate how quick the THC effects becomes evident in the body when ingested, so also is the calculation of how long it would be present in the body system. For example, using a CBD capsule would take less time to leave the body system than if it is ingested through pre-rolled joints.
  • The test and equipment to be used: The kind of test and equipment would determine the timeframe of which the THC residues can be detected in the body. With less sophisticated equipment, your might pass your test even after 4 hours of usage.
  • Your body system: the body system of individuals is different from each other. Therefore, a person with a faster metabolism rate is likely to have a clear drug test within a short time, like that of someone whose metabolism rate is slower.


Did you use a legal substance that contained THC?

When a drug test is carried out, not all test equipment used can detect the type of substance you have used that left the THC traces in your system. This is why it would be assumed that the THC found in your body system was because of the consumption of product that is cannabis-derived. However, with a good document backing your usage of such substance, like a doctor’s report, you can escape the sanctions that might be imposed on people who failed the test.


What are the different types of drug test?

Drug test are done in different ways. The kind of drug test would determine if you would easily pass the drug test or fail the test. Depending on the company or reason for conducting the drug test would determine the kind of equipment to be used for the test. The types of drug test include;


  • Blood test: if the test to be carried out is a blood test, then your mind can be at rest if you haven’t taken any product that contains THC within a week of the test. This is because THC only remains in the blood stream for as short as 3/4hours to as long as 2 days. The time frame is determined by the factors we have spelt out above.
  • Saliva test: the saliva test is a next-level drug test, as the equipment used would detect the use of THC in the body if you recently took it within 24 – 72 hours before the test. THC would not be present in the saliva once the saliva is swallowed entirely and it takes about 24–72 hours before you can swallow the entire saliva that contains THC.
  • Urine test: The urine test is a very common type of test used by a lot of institutions. It is used because it can detect THC in the body that was ingested as far back as 48 days before the test took place. When this test is carried out, anyone who has taken THC in the past 3 to 48 days before the test would likely fail this test, as it would detect the THC residue in the body. However there is a way to get around this with a detox drink or detox kit
  • Hair follicle test: the hair follicle test can detect the THC level in the body even after 90 days of use. The equipment used for this test is more sophisticated than those used for the other tests mentioned above.


Purchase of premium Delta-8 products can be made online and at any walking cannabis shop. However, it is mostly not advisable to get any product that has THC as part of its active component if you work in a company that randomly carries out drug tests. It is not possible to accurately determine the length of time THC would remain in your body system due to the different factors we have mentioned above.
