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BoroDirect - 45° Inset Honeycomb Disc Ashcatcher
Regular price
This scientific glass ashcatcher features a fixed downstem and an inset honeycomb percolator. Enjoy much smoother smoke and a cleaner water pipe by using a percolated ashcatcher. 45° joint male
Collections:Ash Catcher,
Bong Accessories,
Bong Attachments | Bong Parts, Pieces & Accessories,
Type:Ash Catcher
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- Description
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- Reviews
- 45° joint
- male joint
- 14mm joint
- 18mm joint
- honeycomb perc
- scientific glass
This scientific glass ashcatcher features a fixed downstem and an inset honeycomb percolator. Enjoy much smoother smoke and a cleaner water pipe by using a percolated ashcatcher.
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Product and Brand Reviews
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