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Reverse Tweezers
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Reverse Tweezers Reverse tweezers are better than regular because they include two different ways to grip: with the inside and outside of the prongs. If you spread the prongs out
Type:Pollen pressers
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- Includes one pair of reverse tweezers
- Wooden grips to keep heat from traveling up to your fingers
- Allows you to pick the insert up by either gripping the side wall or spreading across the inside if the insert fits the banger too tight to get a grip
Reverse Tweezers
Reverse tweezers are better than regular because they include two different ways to grip: with the inside and outside of the prongs. If you spread the prongs out on the inside you will be able to grip the walls by pressing on both walls instead of pinching on one. You can simply spread the prongs and release like normal to pinch a wall if there is enough extra space around the edges.
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