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There are people who swear by CBD oil from the cannabis plant – we happen to among them – and there are people who love essential oils; there’s no need for a CBD oil versus essential oils feud, however, because it turns out that the two play very nicely together! Both CBD and essential oils are considered natural remedies by a lot of people: CBD is a component of hemp plant oil, which has been used for centuries in various cultures for medicinal purposes. Certain essential oils can be ingested, some are meant to be aromatically breathed in and others can be applied topically; CBD oil is edible, can be vaped (or smoked) and applied to your skin. CBD oil can be used to balance bodily functions, reduce pain and inflammation, calm and relax you, improve digestion, boost mental functioning and help you sleep – essential oils have much similar effects. Suffice to say, cbd topicals and essential oils complement one another nicely when you combine them for enhanced mental and physical benefits.
What are essential oils? That’s a good question if you’re not familiar, so we’ll enlighten you as we tend to do in these blogs. Essential oils are not essential in the same sense that vitamins are ‘vital’ – that is to say, the term ‘essential’ means ‘essence of’ or ‘made from’ – for example, peppermint oil is made from the peppermint plant; that said, many people do find oils ‘essential’ as in healthfully helpful. Glad we cleared that up? Though the benefits of essential oils haven’t been verified by the FDA, neither have the benefits of CBD or hemp plant oil been established by the US government due to long-standing prohibitions against cannabis – though with recent legalization, that may soon change. However, there is abundant testimonial evidence for both CBD and essential oils’ positive effects on health, so you can’t always go by FDA approval; they haven’t ever verified vitamins and health supplements and people have been taking those and benefiting from them for years.
CBD, in many ways, is considered a marijuana essential oil or cannabis essential oil because CBD of the amazing cannabis plant itself has so many different health benefits, and CBD has many therapeutic properties in common with traditional essential oils: reducing stress, promoting relaxation and good sleep, as well as promoting all-around good health.
Essentially, essential oils can be essential (see what we did there?) for maintaining good health and are even more effective when combined with cannabidiol, which helps your body maintain homeostasis, or balance. CBD oil vs. essential oils? Why not both? Did you know you can combine them to create your own best CBD essential oils? Let’s take a look at some essential oils and some of the best CBD essential oils combos, shall we?
Essential Oils without CBD (But That You Can Combine and create CBD Essential Oils)
doTerra Copaiba

A few folks prefer copaiba oil over CBD oil. Some manufacturing and sales companies claim that their essential oils are better, more powerful and less expensive than CBD – thus fueling the whole CBD oil vs. essential oils debate. Personally, it seems rather unnecessary – both have their throngs of fans, so why not sell both and use both?
Copaiba is cultivated from the resin of 100-foot tall (or taller, wow!) copaiba trees found in tropical portions of South America, specifically Brazil. Native Brazilian tribes have used copaiba as part of traditional indigenous health practices for centuries, just as some cultures have utilized cannabis and hemp medicinally for centuries.
Technically, the copaiba cannabinoid connection is through beta-caryophyllene, or BCP, a dietary cannabinoid, found in concentrations of 60%. So, 60% of copaiba is BCP, which directly affects the same CB2 receptors as cannabidiol; CBD and copaiba both work with your body’s own endocannabinoid system to reduce stress reactions.
Much like black pepper, copaiba helps to alleviate anxiety; it also can be used as a topical cream for cleaner, clearer, smoother skin. Copaiba oil is routinely used in cosmetics, soaps, creams, lotions and perfumes. Like cannabidiol, copaiba oil is edible and is also used to improve and maintain the health of the cardiovascular, immune, digestive, nervous and respiratory systems. Copaiba does not contain psychoactive cannabinoids, just like CBD, and may be similarly neuroprotective. One feature that is unique to copaiba versus CBD is that the former acts as a powerful antioxidant that promotes the health of your immune system.
Like CBD oil, there are many different ways to intake essential oils. One of the most popular methods is steam distillation, using three to four drops in a diffuser, which is kind of similar to a water mist vaporizer – copaiba apparently has a spicy, woody aroma. So, while you would vape CBD oil, you would be diffusing essential oils like copaiba. Maybe you can vape essential oils, and the essential oils peeps are just holding out on us, because it’s really good stuff! CBD oils cannot be used effectively in a diffuser, they need to be vaped, smoked, taken orally or rubbed on topically.
Certain essential oils, like copaiba, can be administered orally by putting 1 to 2 drops in a cup of water, juice, tea or beverage of your choice; just dilute one drop per 4 fl. oz. of liquid. Similarly, you could take an edible essential oil sublingually with a couple of drops under the tongue. You can also apply doTERRA Copaiba topically, combined with a facial moisturizer to help keep your skin soft, clean and clear, reducing outbreaks of blemishes. And there is nothing that says you can’t add a few drops of CBD or hemp plant oil to the same coffee or tea that you added copaiba to, or vice versa.
DoTERRA does warn about possible skin sensitivity for some people using copaiba topically; and there are the usual precautions about keeping essential oils out of reach of inquisitive children, consulting your physician if you’re pregnant or nursing, or under a doctor’s care for a serious illness, and to avoid contact with eyes, inner ears, and sensitive areas, you know what those are.
A 15ml bottle of doTERRA Copaiba will cost you $46.67 retail, or $35.00 wholesale direct from the manufacturer. If you want to add CBD oil, that is sold separately elsewhere.
What we love!
- Does not contain psychoactive cannabinoids, just like CBD, and may be similarly neuroprotective
- Taken orally, helps to alleviate anxiety; plus improve and maintain the health of the cardiovascular, immune, digestive, nervous and respiratory systems
- Can be used as a topical cream for cleaner, clearer, smoother skin
- Also works via steam distillation, using three to four drops in a diffuser

Copaiba Young Living Essential Oil - $47.91

Young Living is a well-known manufacturer and distributor of essential oils – they are somewhat controversial because they use some multi-level marketing techniques to sell their products; many MLM companies have been likened to pyramid schemes, and some have faced litigation for unsubstantiated claims. That said, among essential oil enthusiasts, Young Living has built a 25-year reputation for their ‘Seed to Seal’ quality commitment in the creation of their products; their approach has three pillars – sourcing, science, and standards – with an exacting production process, both on their own farms and their carefully curated family of partner farms, following up with painstaking quality testing and retesting to ensure that they produce the purest products on the planet.
Copaiba Young Living Essential Oil is renowned for its gentle, woodsy aroma; Copaiba essential oil is steam-distilled from the gum resin tapped from the Brazilian Copaifera reticulata tree. Oil produced from Copaifera reticulata sap has high levels of beta-caryophyllene (a dietary cannabinoid) and a uniquely sweet aromatic fragrance, which promotes relaxation when it is diffused into the air or applied topically. Copaiba is a great addition to skin moisturizer to utilize its natural, sweet fragrance and moisturizing properties.
Not only can Copaiba relax you and soften your skin, but its soft, sweet fragrance blends well with other good-smelling essential oils and natural perfumes, like Roman Chamomile, Cedarwood, Sandalwood, Frankincense, or Ylang Ylang – enhancing their scent bouquet or aroma, as well as adding to their effects. In addition to smelling good, copaiba supports cardiovascular, immune, digestive, nervous and immune system health and is an antioxidant.
Copaiba Young Living Essential Oil is edible in small amounts, so you can add one to two drops to water and honey, or beverage of your choice. Generally, it mists out from a Young Living CBD Essential Oil diffuser diffuser or similar device of another brand. It can be coupled with CBD oil orally, but CBD oil generally doesn’t work in a diffuser situation because cannabinoid molecules are heavier than fragrant essential oils and cannabinoids don’t bind with water molecules that are often part of nebulizing scents into the air. However, if you take CBD oil orally while you are breathing in Copaiba aromatically, then you can combine their effects that way.
If you want to buy some Copaiba Young Living Essential Oil to use with CBD oil or by itself, you can order a 15ml bottle directly from the manufacturer for $58.22 retail – or $44.25 wholesale, if you also sell the product to friends or relatives.
What we love!
- Young Living has built a 25-year reputation for their ‘Seed to Seal’ quality commitment in the creation of their products like Copaiba
- Copaiba is renowned for its gentle, woodsy aroma
- Promotes relaxation when it is diffused into the air or applied topically
- Great addition to skin moisturizer to utilize its natural sweet fragrance and moisturizing properties
- Blends well with other good-smelling essential oils and natural perfumes, like Roman Chamomile, Cedarwood, Sandalwood, Frankincense, or Ylang Ylang – enhancing their scent bouquet or aroma, as well as adding to their effects
- Edible in small amounts, so you can add one to two drops to water and honey, or beverage of your choice
- Can be coupled with cbd roll on oil orally

Some others we think you might enjoy along with CBD, or even separately, include:
PanAway Young Living Essential Oil Blend

PanAway essential oil is a combo of four different essential oils – peppermint (works for muscle and joint pain, plus allergies), wintergreen (which works as an analgesic, as well as having relaxation and arthritis-fighting properties), cloves (good for skin care, dental care, and sex drive (so, get your funk on)), and helichrysum (nearly unpronounceable, but good for your skin, your heart, digestion and more). It was apparently created by a guy named Gary Young, due to serious damage to his leg ligaments, so this oil blend is particularly well-suited to pain relief and anti-inflammation for your muscles and joints. PanAway Young Living Essential Oil Blend works well for anyone dealing with chronic pain, inflammatory conditions, muscle aches and weakness, poor circulation, menstrual cramps, migraines, headaches, arthritis, low energy, anxiety, stress, depression, indigestion or a weakened immune system. Because it echoes so many of the same benefits, you can probably see how PanAway can work well with cannabidiol.
PanAway essential oil is generally used topically by rubbing it on your skin or aromatically using a Young Living Essential oil diffuser or similar humidifier.
The price for this particular Young Living Essential Oil is $47.70 retail and $36.25 wholesale (for sales associates) for a 5ml bottle.
What we love!
- A combination of four different Young Living Essential Oils:
- Peppermint – works for muscle and joint pain, plus allergies
- Wintergreen – works as an analgesic, as well as having relaxation and arthritis-fighting properties
- Cloves – good for skin care, dental care and sex drive
- Helichrysum – good for your skin, your heart, digestion and more
- Can be applied topically or via aromatherapy

Wintergreen Young Living Essential Oil

Speaking of wintergreen – which is an ingredient in the PanAway Young Living Essential Oil Blend above – this awesome option is a-ok all on its own; not only is it phenomenal for its analgesic abilities, relaxation and arthritis-fighting properties, as we mentioned above, but is also effective for preventing microbial infections, is an anti-flatulent (hey, it happens to us all – especially on taco night, amiright?), stimulates good blood circulation, and is beneficial for urinary and menstrual health.
This form of wintergreen isn’t intended for oral consumption, rather you can take it topically by diluting 1 drop with some lotion, skin cream or olive oil, then testing on a small area of your skin – like the underside of your arm – and then, if no rash appears, applying it to whatever desired area as needed; or you can use it aromatically with a Young Living Essential oil diffuser or something like it, diffusing up to 10 minutes, 3 times daily, for good effects.
This refreshing option can be yours for the low-low price of $24.01 non-member retail price, which is not bad, or $18.25 member wholesale cost, which is even better, for a half-ounce/15ml bottle.
What we love!
- Phenomenal benefits like:
- Analgesic abilities
- Relaxation
- Arthritis-fighting properties
- Prevents microbial infections
- Anti-flatulent
- Stimulates good blood circulation
- Beneficial for urinary and menstrual health
- Can be used topically or aromatically

Pine Essential Oil (Young Living)

In some essential oils enthusiasts’ opinions, pine essential oils are one of Young Living CBD prime products. Pine, like CBD, have a number of better health benefits like boosting metabolism, managing pain, de-stressing, positively impacting eye health, and reducing infections. Pine essential oil is antiseptic, anti-fungal and can also be used as an expectorant to loosen phlegm and mucus, helping to fight respiratory infection. So, its versatility is precisely why some find pine essential oil so valuable!
As with Wintergreen Young Living Essential Oil, Pine Essential Oil from Young Living can be taken topically or by diffuser. If you are using it on your skin, you can dilute 1 drop per drop of lotion, baby oil or olive oil and apply to the desired epidermal areas as needed. If you are going to take it in aromatically, then it is recommended that you diffuse up to 30 minutes, 3 times daily – and, unsurprisingly, the mist given off smell very piney, like a walk through an evergreen forest.
A half-ounce, 15ml bottle will cost you $20.39 retail or $15.50 wholesale with a member discount.
What we love!
- Benefits like:
- Boosting metabolism
- Managing pain
- De-stressing
- Positively impacting eye health
- Reducing infections
- Can be used topically or aromatically
- Evergreen forest scent

Lemon Young Living Essential Oil - $11.50

Lemon is part of the citrus family of essential oils, which also include bergamot, grapefruit, lime, tangerine and orange. Lemon is a best-selling option that can be used in a variety of ways, such as mixing it with cleaning products as a cleaner and a degreaser, using it during nighttime skin care routines as a skin nourisher, or by adding a drop to hair conditioner for a great scent; Lemon Essential Oil can benefit skin and hair as much as its aroma can enhance your environment.
Healthful effects derived from using Lemon Essential Oil include nausea relief, improved digestion, body detoxification and defense against pathogens, antibacterial and anti-fungal properties, cleaner teeth and better breath, cough suppression and stimulated lymphatic drainage (like a lemony Roto-Rooter).
If used topically, citrus oil can cause photosensitivity, so you should avoid applying Lemon Young Living Essential Oil to exposed skin before spending time outside.
A key component of Lemon Essential Oil is limonene. Limonene is a scent ingredient and solvent naturally found in the rind of citrus fruits; it is also a cannabis terpene produced in marijuana flowers’ resin glands and, as a terpene, it can modify the effects of other cannabinoids like THC and CBD. Limonene is often assumed to be super-abundant in weed strains that smell like lemon, but not necessarily. Weed strains that are high (yes, we know) in limonene include Strawberry Cough, Sunset Sherbet, White Fire OG, Lemon OG, Purple Punch, and Strawberry Diesel. Limonene’s modifying effects in cannabis include enhancing other cannabinoids’ and terpenes’ absorption through your skin, mucus membranes, and digestive system and it may boost their effectiveness in elevating mood, relieving stress, and anti-fungal and antibacterial properties; as well as helping to relieve heartburn and gastric reflux.
Limonene, sometimes known as d-limonene, is also sometimes used in brewing up some limonene hash oil, LHO, which is similar to butane hash oil (BHO) shatter, but uses limonene from orange peels instead of butane, which is arguably better for you; the marijuana is cryogenically frozen in liquid nitrogen, and then the oil is extracted with limonene as a solvent.
Lemon Essential Oil contains not only limonene but also gamma-terpinene (an antioxidant hydrocarbon), beta-pinene (flavor), alpha-pinene (pine-scented anti-inflammatory agent) , and aabinene (kind of an oily base). All together with limonene, they make up Lemon Essential Oil and contribute to its healthful effectiveness in cleansing, fighting pathogens and nourishing skin.
A half-ounce/15ml bottle of Young Living Lemon Essential Oil will run you $15.13 regular retail or $11.50 from one of YL Essential Oils’ licensed distributors.
What we love!
- Best-selling oil that can be used in a variety of ways – cleaning, skin care and deodorizing
- Healthful effects include:
- Nausea relief
- Improved digestion
- Body detoxification
- Defense against pathogens
- Antibacterial and anti-fungal properties
- Cleaner teeth and better breath
- Cough suppression
- Stimulated lymphatic drainage
- Key component of Lemon Essential Oil is limonene; also contains:
- Gamma-terpinene (an antioxidant hydrocarbon)
- Beta-pinene (flavor)
- Alpha-pinene (pine-scented anti-inflammatory agent)
- Aabinene (kind of an oily base)
- Can be used orally, topically or aromatically

Stress Away – Vitality Extracts Essential Oil – 10ml

If you at all live in the real world, and sadly even cannabis community peeps have to reside there, then you most likely have a job or jobs, and bills and responsibilities and stress; stress weighs us all down from time to time, therefore we’re giving you a Vitality Extracts Essential Oils review of their Stress Away blend so that you know there are products out there to help you engage your stress and manage mounting tensions.
Stress Away contains bergamot (stress, anxiety and depression fighting and rejuvenating for your skin), sweet orange (actually different than just ‘orange’ – antispasmodic, anti-flatulent, improves mood and increases energy), ylang ylang (popular, in lots of blends - for healthy skin and hair), pink grapefruit (energy-boosting, relieves headaches), and patchouli (fun to say and combats depression and inflammation). Together these essential oils combine to help induce relaxation, reduce nervous tension; uplift, relax, calm, regenerate or renew, reduce inflammation, and balance stresses as well as anxiety – all things that CBD oil also has a reputation for benefiting, which is why Stress Away could be combined with CBD oil topically, or you could self-administer CBD oil while enjoying Vitality Extracts Essential Oil’s Stress Away aromatically from a diffuser vaporizer. Either way the effects of this essential oil and CBD oil should work well together.
To use Stress Away topically you can just dilute one drop of the essential oil blend with several drops of carrier oil, or CBD oil (just saying) – increasing or decreasing the amounts based on your own preferences, needs or sensitivity to the results; so, apply to desired area of your skin as necessary. Aromatically, you can use three to four drops in the diffuser of your choice.
Interested parties can purchase 10ml of Vitality Extracts Essential Oil’s Stress Away for $9.00, or get a 30ml bottle for $25.00.
What we love!
- Contains:
- Bergamot (stress, anxiety and depression fighting and rejuvenating for your skin)
- Sweet orange (actually different than just ‘orange’ essential oils – antispasmodic, anti-flatulent, improves mood and increases energy)
- Ylang ylang (popular, in lots of essential oil blends – for healthy skin and hair)
- Pink grapefruit (energy boosting, relieves headaches)
- Patchouli (combats depression and inflammation)
- Can be applied topically or aromatically diffused
- Comes in 10ml and 30ml sizes

Hops Essential Oil from Essential Oil Wizardry - $24.00

These hops have little to do with bunnies or beer, rather hops extract is a centuries-old potent therapeutic botanical extract with a rich, dry, slightly spicy, earthy aroma which promotes relaxation and peaceful slumber. Hops also helps as an antiseptic, antimicrobial, anti-spasmodic, bactericidal, sedative, and estrogenic (hormonal regulation) properties.
In China hops have long been used for pulmonary tuberculosis and cystitis (urinary inflammation). In some other cultures hops is known to relieve pain, reduce anxiety, improve respiratory problems, enhance the healthiness of hair and skin, relieve headaches, and soothe menstrual pains. Hops is used in aromatherapy as an analgesic.
Chronic pain sufferers sometimes turn to hops extract because it can relax tensed muscles and significantly reduce spasms in nerve endings. The sedative qualities of Essential Oil Wizardry’s Hops Essential Oil appeal to people who suffer from high levels of stress, frequent mood swings and insomnia at night or daytime restlessness.
To improve skin quality, hops is sometimes used diluted and blended with other essences – maybe even cannabidiol oil, because of hops’ anti-inflammatory, anti-viral and calming qualities; hops works well to protect the skin from infection or irritation. Because it is particularly potent, you should be careful using this essential oil if your skin is especially sensitive to breakouts – it’s probably a good idea to dilute Hops Essential Oil before applying it onto your skin due to its strength.
For stress relief, alleviating anxiety or pushing down pain, you could try diffusing hops extract in an essential oil diffuser to dispense the relaxing scent throughout the room, then sit quietly and meditate; adding black spruce, pine, nutmeg, balsam, orange essence, cloves or hyacinth will add to the relaxation effect.
For various skin conditions you can blend hops with a carrier oil, like hemp plant cream, in a roughly 5 to 10% concentration and apply to any affected areas of the skin, or to healthy skin in revitalize and make it glow.
For menstrual cramps, digestive health, or pain relief you can take Hops Essential Oil from Essential Oil Wizardry in small amounts; again, because it is so powerful, it can cause esophageal irritation in high concentrations. Try adding one or two drops of this oil into an herbal tea, or even weed tea. Some people do find Hops Essential Oil irritates their throat as it goes down; as an alternative, it can be put into gelatin capsules and swallowed instead.
Finally, for respiratory health diffusing hops is the way to go. If a more potent effect is desired, you could blend a few drops of the oil with hot water and soak a rag, then place the wet rag over your face, inhaling deeply. After the rag has dried and cooled, repeat the process, re wetting it with the same water-oil blend.
Hops should not be used or consumed by any individual who is suffering from clinical depression. Although generally non-toxic and non-irritating, highly sensitive people could experience discomfort and should discontinue use.
If all of the above has sold you on trying hops, then hop to it and order yourself 1 15ml bottle for $24 today.
What we love!
- Centuries-old potent therapeutic botanical extract
- Rich, dry, slightly spicy, earthy aroma
- Promotes relaxation and peaceful slumber
- Also antiseptic, antimicrobial, anti-spasmodic, bactericidal, and sedative, with estrogenic (hormonal regulation) properties
- Can relax tensed muscles and significantly reduce spasms in nerve endings
- In some cultures hops is known to relieve pain, reduce anxiety, improve respiratory problems, enhance the healthiness of hair and skin, relieve headaches, and soothe menstrual pains
- Sedative qualities appeal to people who suffer from high levels of stress, frequent mood swings and insomnia at night or daytime restlessness
- Can be diffused aromatically, used topically or taken orally in small doses

Outstanding CBD Products and Essential Oils Combination
CBD Infused Roll-on Essential Oil Blend Calm & Relax 10ml 50mg

Most people may think of roll-ons in terms of deodorant/antiperspirant to ward off stinky armpits, but we are here to tell you that roll-ons are so much more than that! Nowadays, roll-ons are not just for perfumy things but also applicators for some serious medicines. For instance, this CBD Infused Roll-on Essential Oil Blend can be used on the back of your neck, temples, and feet for calming and relaxation as well as a sleep aid – and, sure, you could potentially apply it under your armpits and it would soak into your skin, enter your bloodstream and work just as well to tranquilize your restlessness or anxiety.
S’up to you where in particular on your person you want to use it, we suppose. However, it is NOT an edible, but for external use only, so rolling it on your tongue would not be a good idea! You should probably avoid contact with eyes and mucous membranes, and do not apply to open wounds; stop using this roll-on if your condition worsens or severe skin irritation occurs – if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, consult with a health professional before using it… basically, use some common good sense and you’ll be fine; topical means skin contact only, so just don’t apply it unsafely!
As to what is in this mighty cylinder of stress relief, we can tell you that the main active ingredient is 99.7% pure CBD isolate, extracted from industrial hemp that is further refined with a clean energy processing technology to achieve pharmaceutical and environmental purity. It also has the essential oil valerian root – known for its sedative qualities and its ability to relax your central nervous system and soothe sore muscles; plus patchouli essential oil – which gives it a rich, earthy and grounding fragrance and is well-regarded for its properties as an antidepressant, antiphlogistic (acting against inflammation or fever), antiseptic, aphrodisiac (hey-hey-hey), astringent, cicatrisant (skin healing, wound healing), cytophylactic (we fully admit we had to look this one up – it means promoting new cell growth), deodorant (so, okay apply it to your pits, after all), fungicide, insecticide, sedative and tonic substance – so already this does a lot for you.
Not done being awesome yet, this CBD Infused Roll-on Essential Oil Blend contains amethyst, presumably ground up, which is said to promote calm, balance, patience, and peace; there’s grapeseed oil for vitamin E antioxidants, lavender flower which is antibacterial, tangerine essential oil – known to be antiseptic and antispasmodic, energizing and uplifting orange essential oil, ylang ylang essential oil that can support healthy skin and hair, and some blue tansy essential oil with calming properties that can also soothe allergies and troubled skin – so it has all that going for it, plus the pain relief, anxiety-lessening, neuroprotective, and anti-tumor benefits of hemp-based cannabidiol.
If this sounds like something you want in a medicinal roll-on, then you can pick up a 10ml roll-on with 50mg of CBD for $20.00 on a one-time or recurring monthly basis.
What we love!
- Easy-to-use, topical CBD Infused Roll-on Essential Oil Blend can be used on the back of your neck, temples, and feet for calming and relaxation
- The main active ingredient is 99.7% pure CBD isolate
- Also contains:
- Valerian root – known for its sedative qualities and its ability to relax your central nervous system and soothe sore muscles
- Patchouli essential oil – which gives it a rich, earthy and grounding fragrance and is well-regarded for its properties as an antidepressant, antiphlogistic (acting against inflammation or fever), antiseptic, aphrodisiac, astringent, cicatrisant (skin healing, wound healing), cytophylactic (promoting new cell growth), deodorant, fungicide, insecticide, sedative and tonic substance
- Grapeseed oil for vitamin E antioxidants
- Lavender flower which is antibacterial
- Tangerine essential oil – known to be antiseptic and antispasmodic
- Orange essential oil – energizing and uplifting
- Ylang ylang essential oil that can support healthy skin and hair
- Blue tansy essential oil with calming properties that can also soothe allergies and troubled skin
- 10ml roll-on with 50mg of CBD for $20.00 on a one-time or recurring monthly basis

Calm CBD Roll-on (Infused with Young Living Essential Oils)

When life ramps up the tension, then you need to find yourself some calm, and Calm CBD Roll-on from Nature's Ultra is infused with Young Living Essential Oils.
Although Nature’s Ultra is a separate entity, they are the only company licensed to use Young Living Essential Oils in their CBD products. So, this is essentially Young Living CBD because they have partnered with Nature’s Ultra to have some involvement in the boom of CBD use going on in the United States and throughout the world. You can buy Calm CBD Roll-on infused with YL Essential Oils directly, so no multi-level marketing involved with this particular product.
The Young Living essential oils in this Calm CBD Roll-on include eucalyptus leaf oil, which can treat colds and flu by inhibiting bacteria and viruses – and also has rejuvenating stimulant effects that fight depression and exhaustion; frankincense oil that has been said to reduce stress reactions like high heart beat and high blood pressure – as well as easing digestion and functioning as a sleep aid; lavender oil, which is purportedly antibacterial – further, it may reduce anxiety and emotional stress; orange peel, which could treat spasms, lessen inflammation and has a sedative effect; vetiver root oil is believed to improve nervous disorders and relieve insomnia; and ylang ylang flower oil which supports healthier skin and hair while lifting mood and inducing a calming effect. So, overall, you can see why a cannabidiol-infused roll-on labeled ‘Calm’ would include these particular essential oils. And because they are topical, you won’t need a Young Living essential oil diffuser or comparable device, you can just apply it to your skin and wait for the CBD and essential oils to soak through your skin, into your bloodstream and begin providing relief.
And, of course, the main ingredient in this CBD oil and Young Living essential oil blended roll-on is cannabidiol, which has been found to be beneficial in treating stress, depression, anxiety, appetite loss, sleeplessness, pain and a whole host of other ailments.
Nature’s Ultra Calm CBD Roll-ons are available in either a 300mg strength for $49.95 or a 600mg strength for $89.95.
What we love!
- You can buy Nature’s Ultra Calm CBD Roll-on infused with YL essential oils directly, so no multi-level marketing involved
- Young Living essential oils in this Calm CBD Roll-on include:
- Eucalyptus leaf oil, which can treat colds and flu as well as fight depression and exhaustion
- Frankincense oil, said to reduce high heart beat and high blood pressure – as well as easing digestion and functioning as a sleep aid
- Lavender oil, which is purportedly antibacterial – further, it may reduce anxiety and emotional stress
- Orange peel oil, which could treat spasms, lessen inflammation and has a sedative effect
- Vetiver root oil - believed to improve nervous disorders and relieve insomnia
- Ylang ylang flower oil - supports healthier skin and hair while lifting mood and inducing a calming effect
- The main ingredient is cannabidiol, which has been found to be beneficial in treating stress, depression, anxiety, appetite loss, sleeplessness, pain and a whole host of other ailments
- Available in either 300mg or 600mg strength

Empower Topical Relief Oil 9ml - $30.00

If you don’t fancy mixing your own CBD and essential oil blended topical cream then it should come as a relief to you that Empower Topical Relief Oil has taken care of the combining so that all you got to do is put it where it hurts… you could rub some on where it doesn’t hurt, but what would be the sense in that?
Empower Topical Relief Oil is a synergistic combo of essential oils, non-GMO carrier oils, and CBD extracted from domestic hemp grown using only the best natural and sustainable methodology - all packaged in a 9ml, 15ml or 30ml bottle, and 3rd party lab-tested for superior quality and potency. Every batch is infused with hemp-derived cannabinoid content: 68mg CBD per 9ml bottle, 113mg CBD in each 15ml bottle, and 227mg CBD if you purchase the 30ml bottle.
Applying Empower Topical Relief Oil, for the 9ml and 30ml sizes, is as simple as rolling the product onto clean, dry skin and massaging the oil into your flesh until it is fully absorbed. It is safe to reapply the Topical Relief Oil again and again, even in the same area, for best results. The middle-sized 15ml is a pump bottle, so you can dollop it onto your hands, rub them together and then smooth the lotion into your skin. Empower Topical Relief Oil can be simply and discreetly applied pretty much anywhere, providing focused relief whenever necessary, wherever necessary and releasing a natural aroma of lavender, bergamot, & wintergreen. You will soon feel significantly better and potentially smell really nice as well, that seems like a win-win!
The exact ingredients include non-GMO grapeseed oil (good for skin and hair), organic jojoba seed oil (skin and hair moisturizer), sweet almond oil (for smooth skin and cleansing), sunflower seed oil (healthful for skin and heart; lowers cholesterol, reduces inflammation and boosts the immune system); there are also mixed tocopherols (vitamin E), CBD derived from organically-grown hemp, wintergreen (analgesic, antimicrobial, relaxing), bergamot (which benefits your skin and fights stress, anxiety and depression), organic lavender (antibacterial, anti-anxiety, anti-stress), and some proprietary essential oils for fragrance (the ‘secret sauce’ of essential oil fragrances).
In order to secure 9ml of Empower Topical Relief Oil for yourself, you simply need to spend $30 for the smallest roll-on, or pay $40 for the 15ml pump; the larger roll-on costs $70 for 30ml. However you apply it, the Topical Relief Oil will soak into your skin and provide reduction or elimination of pain from the unique combination of CBD derived from organically-grown hemp and essential oils.
What we love!
- Synergistic combo of essential oils, non-GMO carrier oils, and CBD extracted from domestic hemp grown using only the best natural and sustainable methodology
- 3rd party lab-tested for superior quality and potency
- Packaged in 9ml, 15ml or 30ml bottles
- 68mg CBD per 9ml bottle, 113mg CBD in each 15ml bottle, and 227mg of CBD in the 30ml bottle
- 9ml and 30ml sizes are roll-ons, the 15ml size is a pump bottle
- Ingredients include:
- Non-GMO grapeseed oil (good for skin and hair)
- Organic jojoba seed oil (skin and hair moisturizer)
- Sweet almond oil (for smooth skin and cleansing)
- Sunflower seed oil (healthful for skin and heart; lowers cholesterol, reduces inflammation and boosts the immune system)
- Mixed tocopherols (vitamin E)
- CBD derived from organically-grown hemp
- Wintergreen (analgesic, antimicrobial, relaxing)
- Bergamot (which benefits your skin and fights stress, anxiety and depression)
- Organic lavender (antibacterial, anti-anxiety, anti-stress)
- Some proprietary essential oils for fragrance

Making a Homemade Pain Rub with Essential Oils and CBD Oil

(Hemp Salve, image from Ganjly on Instagram)
We are big proponents of do-it-yourself when it comes to cannabinoids, we make our own hash butter, cannabutter brownies and weed cookies all the time. So, while you can buy products with both CBD and essential oils premade, you can more easily fine-tune the strength and effects that you want from combining cannabidiol with select essential oils by making your own.
Here’s what you’ll need:
- 10g (1/3 oz) jojoba oil
- 9.7g (roughly 1/3 oz) beeswax
- 35g/ml of CBD oil or hemp oil (or a combination of the two, you pick) – the benefit of hemp oil over CBD is that it is full-spectrum with other helpful and healthful non-THC cannabinoids, but CBD has stronger pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory effects. You’ll have to calculate for yourself the mg/ml of CBD or hemp oil in your rub based on whatever strength oil you’re using and what portion of it – so 1/3 of a container of 200mg CBD would be about 66mg; this is why they taught us math in school, kids.
- 0.4g (.01 oz) camphor essential oil
- 0.4g (.01 oz) turmeric essential oil
- 0.4g (.01 oz) peppermint essential oil (or copaiba essential oil?)
- 0.3g (slightly less than .01 oz) vitamin E
Don’t fret if your amounts are slightly off, it’ll be fine – it’s pain rub, not a rocket fuel recipe.
How to make your CBD and essential oils rub:
- First, portion out your beeswax and the jojoba oil into a double boiler inner pan.
- Then heat both ingredients over a double boiler until the wax and oil begin to melt together, then stir.
- Add in the hemp seed oil, or CBD, or combination of the two, and then gently heat the ingredients together again, stirring continually until they have all come together uniformly.
- Remove the inner pan of the double boiler from the stovetop and allow everything to cool slightly for a moment or few.
- This is when you add in the essential oils you selected for the desired effects that you want, and add the vitamin E. Vitamin E is an antioxidant that will extend the shelf life of your CBD/essential oils rub and it is also anti-inflammatory.
- Mix the whole thing thoroughly, and then pour the CBD/essential oils mixture into a resealable jar or other storage container, but at least a 60ml glass jar or plastic tub.
- Allow your CBD/essential oils rub to completely cool; use as needed.
That’s it! Certainly, there are other make-your-own-rub recipes out there, but we think you’ll find this one among the simplest and most effective. Yes, you could just mix essential oils and/or CBD (or hemp oil) into a premanufactured rub and it should work with only a few drops of either, but you get better results with a recipe like above! Have at!

(Miscellaneous essential oils, image from Baker Botanica on Instagram)
Some people swear by the benefits of CBD products, others insist on essential oils – we refuse to be drawn into the CBD oil vs. essential oils fracas; personally, if they both work for you, use both – use them together for maximum benefit! You do you, choose the treatment regimen that works for what ails you and helps you maintain the best level of health possible. Cannabidiol and essential oils share similar benefits: both are anti-inflammatory, both can fight depression and anxiety, both promote improved digestion, both can lessen pain and muscle spasms. No, there’s not a single type of essential oil and they do have different effects, but you can also buy essential oil blends from companies like Young Living Essential Oils, Empower Oils, Vitality Essential oils, reviews of some of their products we’ve made above and can be found elsewhere on the Internet. Look over all the info that you can find and make the most informed decision about the best essential oils, or CBD oil – or some of both - for the health effects that you want.
YL Essential Oils sells Wintergreen Young Living Essential Oil, PanAway Oil, Pine Essential Oil, and Lemon Essential Oil, as we’ve noted above; but that’s by no means a comprehensive list, and they sell all kinds of different essential oils – as well as a Young Living Essential Oil diffuser – so feel free to check them out, or any essential oil company that we have showcased, for the complete variety of oils and blends they have available to find the suitable oil or oil blend that meets your medical or emotional needs. Some hesitate to purchase from Young Living because of their multi-level marketing sales approach, but that’s only if you want wholesale pricing, elsewise you can pay a little more for retail and still get the same quality of essential oils.
Young Living Essential Oils has a solid reputation for essential oils because of their ‘Seed to Seal’ – sourcing, science, and standards – quality commitment in their oil production process, and they follow up with painstaking quality 3rd party testing and retesting. While they don’t make their own CBD oil blend, Nature’s Ultra Calm CBD Roll-on does contain their essential oils and so is the same thing as a Young Living CBD oil product – and you can always combine Young Living oils and CBD on your own by taking them by mouth together, rubbing both on topically or combining YL Essential Oil aromatherapy with some sublingual CBD or hemp plant drops. Young Living even sells vegetable glycerin capsules that you can put your edible essential oils in – with or without a few drops of CBD – thus making your own Young Living capsules, and then you can bring them wherever you go to ingest discreetly and conveniently.
Whatever brand of essential oils that you prefer, they can be combined with CBD oil for shared effects and benefits in a number of ways. Copaiba is actually contains BCP, a dietary cannabinoid, so it is not surprising that it works with one of the most well-known cannabinoids, CBD; both are relaxing, good for stress and anxiety. Similarly, wintergreen and CBD both have analgesic properties, reducing or stopping pain and inflammation; Pine Essential Oil and CBD each help manage pain and destress you, thus can work great together; hops and cannabidiol both are effective stress relief, alleviating anxiety or pushing down pain, and can do so alone or together; and Lemon Essential Oil with limonene can provide nausea relief and improved digestion, just like CBD.
Limonene, a key component of Lemon Essential Oil, is found in citrus fruit rinds and many different cannabis strains. In cannabis, limonene modifies the effects of other cannabinoids, such as THC and CBD, enhancing their absorption through your epidermis, mucus membranes, and gut – so taking Lemon Essential Oil with cannabidiol should greatly enhance the benefits of both.
Limonene is also a cannabis terpene produced in the cannabis plants’ resin glands and, as a terpene, it can modify the effects of other cannabinoids like THC and CBD. Limonene is often assumed to be super-abundant in weed strains that smell like lemon, but not necessarily. Weed strains that are high (yes, again, we know) in limonene include Strawberry Cough, Sunset Sherbet, White Fire OG, Lemon OG, Purple Punch, and Strawberry Diesel. Limonene’s modifying effects in cannabis include enhancing other cannabinoids’ and terpenes’ absorption through your skin, mucus membranes, and digestive system and it may boost their effectiveness in elevating mood, relieving stress, and anti-fungal and antibacterial properties, as well as helping to relieve heartburn and gastric reflux. Limonene hash oil, LHO, is a thing – made by using limonene from citrus rinds instead of butane in making shatter cannabis concentrate. And limonene has a citrusy scent in both weed and when used in an essential oil diffuser.
CBD oils and essential oils share a common versatility when it comes to being beneficial to your health. Many essential oils contain cannabinoids like BCP or work in concert with the endocannabinoid system. A marijuana essential oil could be considered any essential oil, like copaiba, which contains beta-caryophyllene or maybe even Lemon Essential Oil, which contains the terpene limonene, with cannabis. So, cannabis or just CBD oils works well with essential oils to bring your body to homeostasis and your mind to a peaceful state – use them both, or use one or the other; but you get the best of both worlds, in our humble opinion, when you combine the benefits of essential oils and CBD oils!
. Written by Megan Medeiros (BA)
Megan Medeiros has a bachelor’s degree in English and is currently working on a master’s in English at James Madison University. She's the owner and operator of Medeiros Writing, and has been working as a cannabis writer for the past three years, mostly following the legal climate of marijuana, especially in areas like California, Colorado, Oregon, Canada, and other legal areas.
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