fumed glass

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    Finding your perfect piece can be a lifelong search (or at least it can feel that way as you peruse countless pieces online and in head shops). Of course, it's a ton of fun to hunt through all the different pieces, checking out hundreds of bongs with intricate percolators and pre-mix chambers, intricately crafted works of art that also happen to be awesome bowls, beautiful handcarved wooden pipes that would rival any whittling work, and scientifically-engineered glass designed to make your smoking experience smoother and more enjoyable then ever. While you're looking through all these great pieces, something that always stands out is fumed glass pipes. These are the colorful, artistic-looking glass pieces that are so famous for actually changing colors as you use them! While it's a bit complicated to break down in its entirety, basically, fuming glass involved infusing it with tons of tiny bits of metal, which are what give the glass its signature color as you darken it with a few bowl packs. This means you can get a huge variety of fumed glass bowls, bongs, and bubblers, all of which have their own unique coloration to them - most of which will reveal itself over time. Of course, you can get an idea of what the final, fully-colored product will look like if you just take a close look at your glass (or if you hold a black sheet behind it to emulate it being colored in), but the final piece of art won't be fully realized until you've smoked it a bit. That means the sooner you get your hands on one of these fumed glass pipes, the sooner your new work of art will be ready to show off to all your friends!

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