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LavaTech - "Reacher" Double Sided Dabber
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LavaTech specializes in dabbing. That's why they came up with the "Reacher" Double Sided Dabber. at 6" long, the "Reacher" is able to keep more than enough distance between you and
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- Description
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- Concentrate Tool
- Pointed Scoop
- Flat Knife End
- Silicone Sleeve
- Stainless Steel Construction
- Length: 6"
LavaTech specializes in dabbing. That's why they came up with the "Reacher" Double Sided Dabber. at 6" long, the "Reacher" is able to keep more than enough distance between you and your red hot dab nail. On one end of the dabber is a pointed scooper. The other side has a nifty almost knife-like shape for slicing and breaking up your concentrates. A silicone sleeve helps you keep your grip while handling your dabs.
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