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MAV Glass | The Humboldt Mini
Regular price
The Humboldt Mini is a smaller version of The Hubmoldt. Itu00a0features au00a0waffle 4-hole inverted perc for exceptional filtration, and Its unique bottle-hourglass design allows foru00a0optimum air flow that provides for
Vendor:MAV Glass
Type:Recycler bong
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- Description
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- 7.5u00a0inches tall
- 14MM female joint
- double uptake
- 2 hole percu00a0
- Vortex drain
- Recycler
- Full color
- Bent neck
- MAV decal
The Humboldt Mini is a smaller version of The Hubmoldt. Itu00a0features au00a0waffle 4-hole inverted perc for exceptional filtration, and Its unique bottle-hourglass design allows foru00a0optimum air flow that provides for a smooth hit every time.
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