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What is a rolling machine?
A rolling machine is a very simple mechanical device that will roll your cigarettes (and joints) for you. It’s very simple to use, you simply place the skin, a roach, your mix of herbs, tobacco, etc. together, and then turn it. It will automatically craft a joint for you. They’re great devices for a number of reasons, mainly because if you smoke a lot of joints in a day, you’ll want one of these to be able to quickly and easily get your joints rolled. Another reason you might want to purchase a rolling machine is because you can’t actually roll. A lot of people find bongs, concentrates, edibles, etc. too strong, and therefore their only option would be a joint or a blunt. If this is your case, and you can’t really roll, then a rolling machine is perfect for you.
This article will mainly be focused on king size rolling machines, however, we will also include a couple of cigarette rolling machines, just in case you stumbled on this article by mistake. Here at the Weed Republic, we like to keep everyone as informed as possible, and that is why we’ve done this.
It’s not the best-made video, but it’s definitely informative and should help you get to grips with how to use one of these machines.
What is the best joint rolling machine?
You probably wouldn’t have clicked on this article if you didn’t want to know this information, so without further ado, let’s talk about it. In this article you will find:
- Information on how to use a rolling machine, and what one is
- The best of the best on Amazon
- Some general information about weed
RAW 79 mm 1 1/4 Hemp Plastic Cigarette Rolling Machine - $4.51
This is by far our favorite rolling machine here. Firstly, it’s made by RAW, which if you’re stoner you know that this is a mark of quality. Secondly, it’s cheap, incredibly cheap, in fact, it’s the cheapest option available. Raw makes all kinds of products, and so a rolling machine is just another one. It doesn’t roll cones, unfortunately, but let’s be honest, if you want to roll a nice cone you need to learn how to do it yourself. This cheap rolling machine is perfect for stoners who don’t want to spend half their time rolling a joint.

The runner up: Daycount Metal Automatic Cigarette Tobacco Smoking Rolling Machine Herb Roller 70mm (Random Pattern) - $8.99
As mentioned before, we’re not only going to focus on the best joint rolling machine on Amazon, we’re also going to have a look at cigarette rolling machines. This one is definitely a cigarette rolling machine, but it can also be used to roll up some joints. That’s the best part of these products, they all have dual-functionality. The main problem, however, is that you cannot overload automatic joint rollers, because they will roll too tightly and maybe even snap in half. This handy cigarette roller is again cheap and easy to use and will save you a lot of time overall both for rolling cigarettes and joints.

Close but no cigar: New Top-O-Matic Cigarette
Rolling Machine - $50.49
One of the more expensive products on our list is the Top-o-matic cigarette rolling machine, but thankfully it comes with a 1-year warranty. This is always a good sign, as generally, companies don’t give warranties out for products that are likely to break. That is one of the main problems with a lot of the other rolling machines, but ten cheap rolling machines will probably last the same amount of time as 1 expensive one anyway. This is one of the best weed joint rolling machines as well as one of the best cigarette rolling machines wrapped into one. As you can see it is possible to do both king-sized and normal-sized papers here, meaning for just $50 you can fulfill all your rolling desires.
Number 4: RAW Roller Eco Plastic 2 Way Adjustable 110mm King Size Rolling Machine (1 Roller) - $5.16
Another very cheap option, this RAW roller is another great example of something which is cheap, easy to use, and will save you a hell of a lot of time. It has a 2-way adjustable switch, meaning you can make the change from king-sized to single-sized joints and cigarettes incredibly easily. It’s also made from recycled hemp plastic, meaning the product is environmentally sound also. For just $5, it’s an absolute bargain. RAW is also one of the top dogs in this market, so you know the product will work well.

Number 5: Elements 79mm Cigarette Rolling Machine + 2 Packs of Elements Ultra Thin Rice 1¼ Rolling Papers - $6.99
Free skins? Don’t mind if we do, this Elements “cigarette” roller comes with 2 packs of ultra-thin rice skins. Now, if you’re used to smoking something like Rizla silvers, or (god forbid) Rizla blues, we highly recommend giving some ultra-thin rice or bamboo skins a try. It will completely revolutionize your joint smoking experience. The ultra-thin papers are fantastic with some real sticky icky, as the paper is one of the things which changes the taste the most. That is why we highly recommend this rolling machine, as it’s built to use these exact skins inside. Other rolling machines may rip or tear such thin skins, but not the Elements 79mm king size joint rolling machine.
Number 6: Zig-Zag® Non-Filter Cigarette Roller Machine– 78mm for Make Your Own Cigarettes (Case of 12) - $28.99
This is technically a retail pack, but considering the fact that these things sometimes break, this can also be a good way to purchase a lot of rolling machines for an incredibly low price. 78mm is the size of a joint, and so this is your joint rolling machine's best option if you want to buy more than one. Buy this and give some out to some friends, or simply hold onto them for future use. Still, a very cheap price, working out at less than $3 per machine. A fantastic product with a nice design which works every time.
Number 7: RIZLA Metal Roller / Rolling Machine 70mm [Kitchen & Home] - $10.99
This metal product is a little bit more expensive, for a good reason. The plastic ones can break very easily, but this king-sized joint roller is one of the best options for those of you who don’t want to continue to buy more products because the others are breaking. Still, not a huge expense, coming in at just under $11, and RIZLA is obviously one of the best-known companies on the market. We recommend this product for those of you who don’t mind spending a little bit more money, to really ensure that quality. Textured belt, to make sure that the skin is gripped nice and tightly, for a compact, quick and easy roll.
Number 8: Powermatic 2 PLUS Electric Cigarette Injector Machine - $73.14
The final product on our list is the Powermatic, which is an electric cigarette injector machine, which also doubles as the best electronic joint rolling machine on the market. All of the other products are not automatic, and so if it’s an electric joint roller you’re looking for, then look no further. You’re going to be parting with more money than the other products, but this product can make a joint in just a few seconds, and so it’s definitely worth checking out if you’re looking for speed and quality. This is version 2.0, meaning they’ve ironed out a lot of the problems with the first Powermatic cigarette and joint injector. This product is actually affordable when compared with other electric joint makers.
Which type of skins or papers should I use?
We have a huge selection of rolling papers on our website, but to answer this question, you first need to consider if you’re rolling a blunt or a joint. A blunt is without tobacco and requires a special type of skin to ensure that it burns properly. We, therefore, recommend blunt wraps if this is the option you’re going for. If you’re instead joint smoking or a spliff smoker, we recommend going for the thinnest papers possible, as this allows you to fully taste and enjoy your herbs. If you’ve got a really strong strain, something like Gelato, with a beautiful flavor, you don’t want the flavor to be ruined by something like Rizla reds.
If you’re buying one of these joint rollers, you might need to buy thicker skins, if you’re not using something like the Element joint roller, which is specifically designed for thin skins. This is because they’re likely to be torn within the joint rollers.
We’ve included all kinds of different products in this article because we wanted to attempt to cover all the bases. There are all kinds of joint and cigarette rollers in this article, but we’ve mainly focused on joint rollers (we’re called Weed Republic, after all!) Every budget has been taken into consideration, from the lowest of the low to the highest of the high (no pun intended) you’ll find exactly what you’re looking for.
. Written by Megan Medeiros (BA)
Megan Medeiros has a bachelor’s degree in English and is currently working on a master’s in English at James Madison University. She's the owner and operator of Medeiros Writing, and has been working as a cannabis writer for the past three years, mostly following the legal climate of marijuana, especially in areas like California, Colorado, Oregon, Canada, and other legal areas.
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